Setting up an e-commerce industry in Nigeria is somewhat challenging. What seems to be such a fast thriving and enterprising business in other parts of the world, is slow paced here in Nigeria. This market is still very much virgin in Nigeria so what is the main reason for the distorted growth of this industry?
The underlying factor of this trend lies in the inability for Nigerians to trust e-businesses. Over the years, many have been found victims of internet fraud and the likes, Nigerians have stopped letting their guards down so they find it very hard to make purchases online. Online shopping all over the world is the easiest way to shop, it even seems to get cheaper buying certain items online. What Nigerians fail to realize is that not all businesses on the internet are fraudulent, in fact there are some key things one should consider before making that purchase online.
•Research the site first: With various search engines, it isn’t so much of a hassle to open a new tab and search the name of the website. Read reviews of the website and if possible read the “frequently asked questions” tab.
•Method of payment. Always check for the security icon on the payment page that indicates it is safe to enter you Personal Identification Number to proceed with the payment.
•You wouldn’t be the first to ask questions. Ask a few people about the site.
•Engage in online forums to get personal opinions from bloggers, website owners etc.
•You can have a trial; buying an inexpensive item and using that to evaluate the efficiency and authenticity of the company.
Nigeria is a great country with great potentials. We have an organization set out to eradicate crime, especially on the internet. They’re called the EFCC, ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL CRIMES COMMISSION. (ESTABLISHMENT) ACT 2004. Let’s remain cautious whilst living easier lives. We only have one lives and with our busy schedules, it wouldn't be such a bad idea to do some of our shopping online.