How it hurts when that special someone dies or decides to move on without you. It leaves you feeling rejected and alone, wondering how to pick up the pieces of your life. You begin to ask questions like “why did it have to happen to me?” How did I ever get to this point”? In all of these, you need to allow your mind to travel way back to when you were happy without this person.
Picking up the pieces of your life is probably one of the hardest things in Life. Just as a shattered glass jar has to go through a remolding and reformation process, so do you have to remodel and reform your life after a loss. Nobody ever said it’s gonna be easy. However follow the steps below and see how these changes affect your life.
1. Cry:
There’s absolutely nothing wrong in crying, Crying is popularly known as being part of the healing process. Let it all out. It’s ok to cry.
2. You need to remove traces of existence of the person in your immediate environment.
• Delete phone numbers, text messages, block emails,
• Get rid of clothes, wristwatches, perfume smells, magazines etc
3 Take a vacation…if you can
What you need right now is to clear your head of all the happenings around you, take a break of 2-3 days (or more). Walk on the beach, take yoga classes, talk to friends, go watch a movie (be careful here, you don’t wanna watch anything that brings back memories), have a massage. All these would help set your mind at ease.
4 Talk about it.
Like the saying goes,
"A problem shared is a problem half solved"
instead of moping about, talk to someone that understands you.
5 Get busy
Engage yourself in the things that make you happy. Enjoy what you do, put a smile on that face when you go to work, let people know that you’re absolutely strong willed and you came out bigger, better and bolder.
Often times, you find your mind wandering and drifting far away to memories of that person but remember always that you’re a fighter and this battle has been won, whether you’re constantly deep in though or not, you deserve to be happy.